
REMS Messtechnik GmbH & Co KG
Stuttgarter Straße 83
D-71332 Waiblingen

Phone +49 7151 1727-0
Fax +49 7151 1727-87

Located in Waiblingen
Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRA 260174
USt-IdNr. DE147223197

Authorised to represent

Roller GmbH
Sitz Waiblingen
Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 260080
Managing Directors:
Steffen Katzenberger
Hans Oskar Friedrich Seeger
Thomas Wörner

We deliver exclusively on the basis of our general conditions of sale and delivery which are available on request.

Drawings, illustrations, dimensions, weights, stadards and other data stated are not binding. All power data stated to be understood as the rated power input. Subject to alteration.

This Internet presentation is copyright protected. All rights reserved, particularly for translations, reproductions, illustrations, radio transmission, photomechanic reproductions and storage of data in computers, including utilization in extracts.

Sale through specialist dealers.

Liability note

Despite accurate content checks we do not take over liability for contents from external links. The provider is solely responsible for the content of the linked pages.


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